28 research outputs found

    Transmitter Selection for Secrecy Against Colluding Eavesdroppers with Backhaul Uncertainty

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    Due to the exponential growth of interconnected devices and reduced cell coverage, beyond fifth-generation networks will be dense. Thus, instead of wired backhaul, wireless backhaul will be cost-effective and flexible. For security in multi-transmitter systems, sub-optimal and optimal transmitter selection schemes exist. However, including backhaul activity knowledge available (BKA) and backhaul activity knowledge unavailable (BKU) cases and transmitter selection schemes, there is no generalized secrecy analysis method. Moreover, evaluation of the ergodic secrecy rate (ESR) of the optimal selection schemes is impossible using existing solution approaches. To address these, we propose two sub-optimal and optimal transmitter selection schemes for a small-cell multi-transmitter system in BKU or BKA cases in the presence of multiple colluding eavesdroppers. We derive the distribution of the ratio of the destination channel SNR and eavesdropping channel SNR, thereby providing different secrecy performance metrics uniformly irrespective of selection schemes and BKU or BKA cases. Simplified asymptotic expressions are provided to elucidate the influence of the system parameters and of the backhaul reliability. We observe that the secrecy performance improves when the knowledge of backhaul link activity is utilized, and the improvement is most noticeable when the backhaul is highly unreliable. We also observe that while the secrecy performance degrades with an increasing number of eavesdroppers, neither the asymptotic saturation value of the secrecy outage probability nor the rate of improvement of the ESR with signal-to-noise-ratio depends on the number of eavesdroppers

    Optimal Friendly Jamming and Transmit Power Allocation in RIS-assisted Secure Communication

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    This paper analyzes the secrecy performance of a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) assisted wireless communication system with a friendly jammer in the presence of an eavesdropper. The friendly jammer enhances the secrecy by introducing artificial noise towards the eavesdropper without degrading the reception at the destination. Approximate secrecy outage probability (SOP) is derived in closed form. We also provide a simpler approximate closed-form expression for the SOP in order to understand the effect of system parameters on the performance and to find the optimal power allocation for the transmitter and jammer. The optimal transmit and jamming power allocation factor is derived by minimizing the SOP assuming a total power constraint. It is shown that the SOP performance is significantly improved by the introduction of the jammer and a gain of approximately 33 dB is achieved at an SOP of 10−410^{-4} by optimally allocating power compared to the case of equal power allocation

    Destination Scheduling for Secure Pinhole-Based Power-Line Communication

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    We propose an optimal destination scheduling scheme to improve the physical layer security (PLS) of a power-line communication (PLC) based Internet-of-Things system in the presence of an eavesdropper. We consider a pinhole (PH) architecture for a multi-node PLC network to capture the keyhole effect in PLC. The transmitter-to-PH link is shared between the destinations and an eavesdropper which correlates all end-to-end links. The individual channel gains are assumed to follow independent log-normal statistics. Furthermore, the additive impulsive noise at each node is modeled by an independent Bernoulli-Gaussian process. Exact computable expressions for the average secrecy capacity (ASC) and the probability of intercept (POI) performance over many different networks are derived. Approximate closed-form expressions for the asymptotic ASC and POI are also provided. We find that the asymptotic ASC saturates to a constant level as transmit power increases. We observe that the PH has an adverse effect on the ASC. Although the shared link affects the ASC, it has no effect on the POI. We show that by artificially controlling the impulsive to background noise power ratio and its arrival rate at the receivers, the secrecy performance can be improved